Data Glossary

The following is a list of commonly used terms and acronyms that often appear in Institutional Effectiveness data, along with Academic Affairs-related publications. Please contact our office if there are any additional terms that should be included on this list.

Updated July 2021.

The Chancellor's Office uses this system to monitor the status of all students enrolled in state-supported programs. It is one of the sources for the student FTE count of each campus in the CSU system.

A statistical classification comprised of traditionally underrepresented racial or ethnic groups including Hispanic/Latinx, Black/African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.

CSU campuses are allowed to admit students who are not academically eligible for admission, but are considered disadvantaged. This category could also refer to students with special talents such as athletic or musical abilities.

Refers to faculty that teach in more than one department. Their FTES is divided among the departments based on course enrollment. Their FTEF is also divided based on the proportion of the WTU/15 in each department.

Refers to persons who participate in the Faculty Early Retirement Program.

This classification includes students who are the first in their family to attend college or to receive a college degree.

Persons employed 100% of the time. Also includes persons on leave.

The ratio of the total number of paid hours during a period (part time, full time, contracted) by the number of working hours in that period, Mondays through Fridays. One FTE is equivalent to one employee working full-time.

All full-time faculty members are counted as 1 FTEF. FTEF for part-time faculty, early Retirement Program members (FERP) and teaching assistants are calculated based on their particular HR contracts. This also includes faculty on sabbatical and/or those without a current teaching load.

The number of full-time equivalent staff employees.
